
Oreo 8.0 arriva stabilmente su Xiaomi Mi 6

Oreo 8.0 sbarca finalmente sul tanto amato Xiaomi Mi 6: ecco tutti i dettagli

Finalmente il tanto discusso Xiaomi Mi 6 da qualche ora si sta aggiornando al nuovo sistema operativo Oreo 8.0.

La ROM stabile è disponibile in versione Global e prima o poi tutti coloro che hanno il Mi 6 del brand cinese avranno la possibilità di installarla via OTA.

A seguire il changelog pubblicato da Xiaomi:

  • Highlights· Optimization – Android 8.0 update (02-12)
    · Optimization – Protection from unintentional tapping for Dial pad (02-12)
  • System
    · Optimization – Android 8.0 update (02-12)
    · Fix – Apps changed Wi-Fi connection status without the user’s permission (02-12)
    · Fix – Apps stopped working in the background (02-12)
    · Fix – WhatsApp force closed in Split screen (02-12)Phone
    · Fix – DTMF issues after pausing VoLTE video calls (02-12)App Lock
    · New – Added the App lock step before unlocking using a new fingerprint for the first time (02-12)
  • Contacts
    · New – Improved layout and readability for search results in Contacts (02-12)
    · Optimization – Protection from unintentional tapping for Dial pad (02-12)
    · Fix – Contact search didn’t work properly for Russian and Ukranian (02-12)
  • Messaging
    · Fix – OTP messages were grouped with notification SMS (02-12)
    · Fix – Time in Messaging didn’t change when the system was switched to 12-hour format (02-12)
    · Fix – Messages with one-time passwords disappeared (02-12)
    · Delete – Adjustments for Messaging: service and promo SMS, scheduled SMS, and group messages. (02-12)
  • Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
    · Optimization – Vibration for notifications during calls (02-12)
    · Optimization – Notification shade response (02-12)
    · Fix – Brightness bar wasn’t displayed in its position (02-12)
    · Fix – A white bar appeared in the Notification shade (02-12)
    · Fix – Lock screen wallpaper wasn’t shown in some cases (02-12)
    · Fix – Notification shade issues (02-12)
    · Fix – The search bar in the Notification shade wasn’t displayed correctly (02-12)
    · Fix – Wallpaper Carousel couldn’t load online resources (a Play Store update was required) (02-12)
  • Home screen
    · New – Animated icons for selected apps in the default theme (02-12)
    · Optimization – RAM info isn’t shown in Recents by default. Go to Settings > Home screen & Recents to turn it on. (02-12)
    · Optimization – Animation for clearing cache (02-12)
    · Optimization – Adjusted the button for clearing memory in Recents (02-12)
    · Optimization – Swipe response (02-12)
    · Optimization – Folders open faster (02-12)
    · Optimization – Users can set their main Home screen in the editing mode (02-12)
    · Optimization – New animation for launching and closing apps (02-12)
    · Fix – Couldn’t close Recents in some cases (02-12)
    · Fix – Issues with icon size for Clock, Calendar, and Weather (02-12)
    · Fix – Home screen icons weren’t displayed properly (02-12)
  • Themes· Optimization – Redesigned home page (02-12)
    · Optimization – Updated Peach blossom and Asphalt themes (02-1)




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